
Lynas records massive boost in rare earths production

Lynas has seen a jump in its production in the December quarter, with production levels standing at three times the previous quarter.
"Total 'ready for sale' production during the [December] quarter was 741 tonnes, on an REO equivalent basis, approximately thee times the production of 253 tonnes in the September quarter," Lynas said in a company statement.
An extra 35 tonnes is also awaiting classification as 'ready for sale' production.
During the quarter it shipped 409 tonnes of rare earth product, 87% higher than the previous quarter.
Lynas stated that it achieved these production rates despite heavy rainfall in early December, which cased flooding and restricted access in the city near its Lynas Advanced Material Plant (LAMP) cracking facility.
In addition to this, Lynas also received approvals for the Phase 2 LAMP assets operation.
It has now started using some of its Phase 2 downstream assests, such as product finishing units and tunnel furnaces.

