The document is a follow up to the CEDA position paper on underwater sound in relation to dredging that was published in 2011. The position paper attracted great interest both from within and outside CEDA.
The WODA Technical Guidance goes beyond the position paper and has a broader international scope. It provides guidance for decision-makers, stakeholders and scientists on how to manage impacts of underwater sound from dredging and other sources. The document follows a risk-based approach.
The paper begins with some background on why underwater sound is an important issue and goes on to describe the risk-based approach. The chapters that follow cover impacts of sound on aquatic life, the measurement of sound and the presentation of knowledge on dredging-related sound sources.
Finally, it provides recommendations on managing and mitigating potential risks from dredging-related sound impacts in offshore and coastal areas, estuaries and inland waters.
The WODA Technical Guidance was produced by the WODA Expert Group on Underwater Sound (WEGUS) under the remit of the WODA Environment Commission.
Members of WEGUS are experts, scientists and practitioners with a broad range of expertise, representing knowledge institutes, government, manufacturers, ports and contractors.